Our Vacancies


Join SOS Children`s Villages and become part of the world`s largest NGO focused on supporting children and young people without parental care, or at risk of losing it.


We offer impactful positions across the globe and across a wide range of professions. We are regularly looking for talented people who feel inspired by our mission and share our values that we live in every part of our work: Courage, Commitment, Trust & Accountability.


Our current job openings can be found below. Please click on the job title for more information and apply from that page if you are interested.


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Additional Locations ET-Jimma
Who we are   SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia is an International Non-governmental organization and a member of SOS Children’s Villages International Federation. We started our humanitarian work in Ethiopia with the opening of our first Village in Mekelle, Northern part of Ethiopia in 1974. Since then, we have expanded our programs to different regions where there are significant needs for intervention and where we believe we can work in partnership with all relevant actors to bring sustainable positive outcomes for children’s and young people.   Today, we have grown significantly to meet the persistent challenges that confront Ethiopian children who have lost parental care and those that are at risk...
Family Strengthening(FS)
National Association
Additional Locations UG-Kampala
BID NOTICE. 1. SOS Children’s Villages Uganda invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the following: - No:1  - Procurement Reference Number. SOS/CONS/2025/001 - Subject of Procurement:  Consultancy Services for the End-of-Project Evaluation for SOS Children’s Villages Uganda, BMZ YouthCan! Project. 2. Interested bidders may obtain the bidding documents by emailing:Procurement.NO@sosuganda.org 3. The deadline for submission of bids is 5:00 p.m. (EAT) on Tuesday, February 20, 2025. 4. Bidders who have already submitted their proposals do not need to resubmit. Bids will not be opened until after the extended...
Monitoring & Evaluation
Eastern & Southern Africa
Additional Locations MK-Skopje
Аплицирај за работа во СОС Детско село!   СОС Детско село е дел од големото семејство на меѓународната хуманитарна организација “СОС Детски села Интернационал”. СОС Детско село делува и работи на развојни програми од областа на социјална заштита, социјална превенција и детски права. Нашите вработени во директна грижа се витален дел од нашиот тим, бидејќи ги поддржуваат децата и младите во истражување на нивните цели и соништа, да ги откријат и споделат нивните уникатни таленти и да бидат активни членови на заедницата.  
National Association
Additional Locations AT-Innsbruck
SOS Children's Villages, founded in 1949, is the world's largest non-governmental organization focused on supporting children and young people without parental care, or at risk of losing it.   Child neglect, abuse and abandonment is everywhere. Families are at risk of separation. Locally led, we work in more than 130 countries and territories to strengthen families who are under pressure so they can stay together. When this is...
Information & Communication Technology
International Office (IO)